Wednesday 23 December 2009

Eilidh's Daily Design

So I was reading this article from the AWESOME Smashing Magazine on the merits of designing something daily, and I'm thinking of taking them up on the challenge, starting in the New Year. I reckon I need a theme to focus on so I'm thinking maybe I do a typographic layout every day based on song lyrics (whatever I've had stuck in my head-jukebox that day). Whaddayareckon? Who wants to start a sweepstake on how long before I get bored/drunk/forget to do it? I've posted a nice example of what I might do, if I have absolutely NOTHING else to do next year. I'll need to restrict myself to half an hour or I may not sleep.

1 comment:

Walleroonie said...

Hi LayLadyLele,

I saw on another site that you posted comments regarding someones pottery and how it looked like the Gaytime pattern.

I also noticed that you mentioned you have a few pieces of it yourself. I'm after a tea pot and I'm hoping you have a spare (you can laugh now). I'm serious so you can stop laughing now - I have a butter dish and the salt/pepper shakers and will happily stop after the tea pot so you'd be doing me a favour.

Anyway, here's hoping.


P.S. Happy Hogmanay