Wednesday, 15 August 2012


Ok so I realised this morning that I haven't been keeping my blog very up to date.

There are several shite reasons for this:

My day job work these days is mostly art direction. Concepts and strategy stuff that doesn't necessarily translate very well into visually exciting blog posts.

Plus a lot of our current projects are VERY long running and some are top secret, so I'm unable to post about them.

Plus I'm working on a project with my boy that is also dragging on quite a bit but involves a lots of digital drawing - which I enjoy a lot. The working-with-my-boyfriend bit is not so plain sailing. Sigh.


I'm starting to get itchy about getting back to some good old fashioned DRAWING. Even some icon design would be nice (although I did do a really fun and mahoosive icon design project for the day job - but it falls into the top secret category, so I cannae show you it. Arse.)

So I'm going to do something about this. I think it may involve more activity along the lines of Viv's suitcase - like, buying vintage items and customising them with typography drawn on with paint markers. Maybe shoes! Maybe old globes, satchels, belts, and leather jackets! Maybe plastic/wooden chunky bangles! Maybe I could set up an Etsy shop and sell em!

Maybemaybemaybe... GET ON WITH IT WOMAN.

In the meantime though, have a couple of marque options I did for one of our clients. They're pretty enough I suppose...

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