Monday, 2 March 2009

It's contagious...

I knew it! Carly has started the mass exodus from singledom! Another bessie mate, the beautiful and talented Miss Sazzle McLongworth has announced that her wonderful boy Otis asked her to marry him last week. In Samoa. On a beach. At sunset. I mean how much more perfect a proposal could you ask for?

She's given me two years notice so I can start saving to get my bahookie down there and watch her get hitched. Dude, she could be getting married next week and I'd find the goddamn money! No way I'd miss it!

So there you go lads - another perfect girl off the market. Singledom's loss is Otis' gain. And he is suitably smug. Oh yes - just look at his face. Heehee.

Congrats you two - you're made for each other and I'm made up for ya!

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