Sunday, 16 September 2007


Here's my latest flyer for the World's Biggest Burlesque club (official) - Club Noir.

La Noir are back after their summer recess on the 20th October with a cracking theme; Shlock Horror. I love that Noir's comeback club is at Halloween. It's always a a record breaking club and the outfits are awesome (I went as Queen of Darkness last year, my kiwi friend Stacey dressed as a dead Wren, complete with WWII cap, and a military skirt with bustle that she made herself. Oh, and peeling skin).

If you can make it and like a bit of dressing up (oh come on, who doesn't?) then I can thoroughly recommend it. Don't ask me to get you on the guest list though - my 'plus 1s' are all taken.

I've included a wee close up of the rendering I did on the illustration after exporting from Illustrator. Bit of unsharp mask to get the eerie glow and good ol' noise to get that grainy, B-movie poster print quality. Yum.

See you there?

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