Sunday, 6 February 2011

Oh yeah...

Oh, and another thing - as I've just realised I never updated after the post about the nomination - I only went and won a bloody Gold at the Roses Design Awards didn't I? For the Young Scot Annual Report featured in an earlier post. A wee jaunt to Manchester was had by myself and two of my digitally-minded colleagues, a dancefloor was thoroughly pwned, champagne quaffed and monster hangovers generated. Was fun.

Also, the photographer at the do was doing a mini shoot of all the winners after the awards. And I maaaaay have gotten a bit overexcited and pretended eat my award.

Still, as ridiculous as I look, the Drum clearly liked it as it ended up on the cover of the Roses Awards supplement the following week.



Mais, je ne regrette rien.


I do believe I buggered off for a bit there, didn't I? That will never do. Sorry. It's down of course to the fairly reasonable excuse that the day job has me almost permanently up to my tits in it. And then I was away over Christmas and yaddayadda. Plus I'm about to embark on another of my all too infrequent jaunts about the globe too. So I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about that once I'm back.

In the meantime though, one of the little bits of freelance I DID do was for a friend of mine in London who has recently set up Alphabetical Studio. Cos he is a talented bugger yes he is.

Anyway, this bit of freelance was for a regenerative project called The Link, which was looking to transform a fairly grim area of South East London with a series of brightly coloured painted murals, all featuring positive, community-focused messages. I was asked to do 'Make a Connection'. Pretty sweet really. No chat yet on whether its actually been made into a mural but that would be super rad if it happens.

Watch this space.