Monday, 28 June 2010

Another Live one

Another website went live last week, allowing me to blog about it at long last. This project has been fairly epic - a vast illustration and design job covering EPs, Albums, Samplers, teasers, identity and online. Even BADGES. Wow.

The brief was an illustrator's wet dream to be honest: 'Give me a bunch of wonky fineliner renderings to illustrate the lyrics to a stream-of-consciousness song called Nearly Man. Then make said renderings live online and on album artwork. Oh, and I shall need a logo too.'

Ladies and Germs, I give you the mysterious Mike Marlin. I can't tell you very much about him because I've never personally met the man. All communiques were delivered by Alpaca. Sometimes by carrier pigeon. And once by a mute six year old boy in a poncho. All most irregular. To learn more you'll just have to visit the site and have a listen.

More updates and illustration details will follow once the album launches. Which will be SOON. Says here on this pigeon.