Sunday, 29 November 2009


OK, so its entirely possible that I am simply off my face on a cocktail of antibiotics and painkillers (I have tonsilitis people; its not pretty), but I had to share this with you.

I was sitting in my kitchen, listening to the Cinematic Orchestra's 'To Build a Home'. The tumble dryer was on and steaming up my kitchen windows, and the sun was setting. I'd been putting on washing all day and had hung up a top to dry from the lampshade, which was slowly turning in the warm draft from the tumble dryer. Now, my kitchen faces south west so I do get to see some cracking sunsets, and at certain times of the year, when the sun is low for a long time (and my windows are all steamed up) my kitchen is filled with lovely, diffuse orangey light. I just had to take a picture of it. My phone's camera is pretty crap but you get the idea.

It was just lovely. I had a wee 'I bloody love my flat' moment. Sigh.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Clever bar stewards.

Damn I know some clever boffiny types. You'll remember (if you've been paying attention) that I posted a while back about some icons I'd done for the day job. Well the app they were designed for has gone live and is already creating quite a buzz on t'intertubes. Its called iMapFlickr and a vaaary clever bit of techno-wizardry it is too. It's very very simple to use and don't it look purty?

In three steps, anyone can create a map of their geotagged Flickr sets, embed it in their blogs, post to their Facebook wall or Twitter page or simply create a link to send to friends to boast about their travels. Much as I'm doing here.

Lo! Indo photo mappo!