Wednesday, 6 February 2008

An Enchanted, Brazen Christmas

OK so this post is a little late - apologies. Ms Raffel of the illustrious Brazen studios asked me to do her some lovely stuff for her Christmas window. We bandied some ideas about and settled on the theme of an enchanted forest - where bewitched trinkets hang off every branch.

Having just had the interior and exterior of the shop repainted in a boudoir-esque rubine red and cream combo, we decided to use this colour scheme, and I set about creating some suitably enchanted looking flora and fauna with which to bedeck the shop window and the interior windows into the workshops.

Ms Brazen also required a device to announce the fact that her wee shop has been named 'Most Stylish Boutique 2007' at the Scottish Style Awards; all that even without the new paint job.

Well deserved.


Club Noir, not content with selling out their existing club at the Carling Academy, have decided to launch a spin-off club in the much smaller and low-key venue of the Winchester club on Bell Street. The idea is that this club will be the notional 'after party' or Backstage of the main club. The performers will be present; but mingling, rather than performing. The whole affair will be much more laidback and about seeing and being seen, rather than a major club night.

Bearing that in mind, the Noir troupe tasked me with designing the new branding for the spin-off club (called Backstage just in case you hadn't already figured that out) and a new flyer. We talked about a photographic route to contrast our now traditional illustrative style for the main club, and this was the result. The brand is the photo effectively - a comp of several shots, treated to look like a spot-lit, dark alley and 'signed' in white by the people who brought you Club Noir (as though they are the stars you waited hours to see at the stage door). You feel like you have to know someone who knows someone who knows the password to get into this place, and even then you'd better have the right threads on or you've no chance.

A speak-easy, a secret hide-out, a den of iniquity.

Dontcha want in?